6th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 10 March to Friday 14 March 2025
1st prize 5000 EUR 2nd prize 3000 EUR 3rd prize 2000 EUR
(if there are two first winners, each of them will receive 4000 EUR, if there are two second winners, each of them will receive 2500 EUR)
Special prize for the participant with the best performance on an alto flute in G
Special prize for the best participant under 20 years
Place: München, Schloss Nymphenburg, Johannissaal (bus 51 from S-Bahn station Laim 5 min. or tram 17 from Central Station 22 min.)
Organizer: Theobald Böhm Society and Theobald Böhm Donation (www.theobald-boehm-archiv-und-wettbewerb)
Jury: Martin Belič (President), Nihan Atalay, Aldo Baerten, Sunghyun Cho, Matvey Demin, Anton Kushnir, Iva Lubomirova
Pianists: Nino Gurevich, Madoka Ueno
Conditions of Participation: Age up to 32, registration up to 15 February 2025, Theobald Böhm Society, Ludwig Böhm, Asamstraße 6, 82166 Gräfelfing, Tel. 089-875367. Necessary documents: Biography with address, telephone and e-mail, recent photograph, copy of the identity card, programme, proof of payment of the registration fee of 100 Euros (no reimbursement). Remittance to Ludwig Böhm, IBAN: DE34 7025 0150 0130 6572 73, BIC: BYLADEM1KMS (no cheques), no registration by e-mail, but by post. Presence is required on 8 March 2025 at 14.00 in the Castle Nymphenburg, Johannissaal (front side wing), at the concert of the jurors
Concert of the winners: 14 March 2025, Castle Nymphenburg, Johannissaal, 18:00
The pieces by Theobald Böhm can be ordered from: Ludwig Böhm (ludwig.boehm@t-online.de). No performing from photocopies
Aims: Commemoration of Theobald Böhm, flautist, composer, flute maker, inventor of the Böhm flute, Munich 1794–1881; promotion of his works in the new complete edition and honouring the best interpreters of Böhm; promotion of the alto flute in G (his later favourite instrument) and of the flute with open G sharp key (= original Böhm system)
1st Round: Monday to Wednesday, limited number of participants, 3 pieces from 3 groups, c. 15 minutes
1. Theobald Böhm: 24 Études, opus 37, Etüde no. 15 or no. 22, flute solo
2. Mozart/Böhm: Andante, KV 315, arr. [16], flute and piano, or
Mozart/Böhm: Larghetto aus dem Klarinettenquintett, KV 581, arrangement [42], alto flute and piano
3. Georg Philipp Telemann: 12 Fantasien (only one), flute solo
2nd Round: Flute in C, Thursday, c. 16 participants, 3 pieces from 3 groups, c. 25 minutes
1. Theobald Böhm: Fantaisie concertante sur un air écossais, opus 14, flute and piano
2. Paul Hindemith: Sonate (1st movement), flute and piano or
Bohuslav Martinů: Sonate (1st movement), flute and piano or
Sergei Prokofiev: Sonate (1st movement), flute and piano
3. Eugène Bozza: Image, flute solo or
Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Sonata appassionata, opus 140, flute solo
2nd round: Alto Flute in G, Thursday, Gluck/Böhm: Euridice, Arr. [37]
(only for the best alto flute players of the 1st round)
3rd Round: Friday, c. 8 participants, 2 pieces from 2 groups, c. 20 min.
1. Theobald Böhm: Larghetto, opus 35, flute and piano, or
Stuntz/Böhm: Élégie, arrangement [27], flute and piano
2. Theobald Böhm: Divertissement …, opus 13, flute and piano or
Theobald Böhm: Variations sur un air tyrolien, opus 20, flute and piano
Partners: Stiftung Otto Eckart (1st price), Christine Böhm (2nd price), Eva Mändl (3rd price), Ludwig Böhm (special price), Tobias Mancke (special price); Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, Theobald-Böhm-Stiftung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte, Jörg-Rainer Lafin, Peter Spohr
6th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 10 March until Friday 14 March 2025
Jury: Martin Belič (President), Nihan Atalay, Aldo Baerten, Sung-hyun Cho, Matvey Demin, Anton Kushnir, Iva Lubomirova
Prize Winners:
1st Prize: Haeun Kim, Südkorea (5000 EUR, Stiftung Otto Eckart)
2nd Prize: Anamarija Lajh, Slowenien (3000 EUR, Christine Böhm)
3rd Prize: Ana Tutic, Kroatien (2000 EUR, Eva Mändl)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Anamarija Lajh, Slowenien (silver headjoint byTobias Mancke, donated by Ludwig Böhm)
Special price for the best participant under 20 years: Chayeun Kim, South Corea (wooden piccolo headjoint by Tobias Mancke, donated by Tobias Mancke)
1st International Theobald Böhm Competion for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 20 November to Thursday 23 November 2006
Jury: András Adorján (President), Benoît Fromanger, Konrad Hünteler, Hermann Klemeyer, Andrea Lieberknecht, Tatjana Ruhland, Henrik Wiese
Prize winners:
1st Prize: Łukasz Długosz, Poland and Jozef Hamernik, Slovakia (4000 EUR each, 5000 EUR, Foundation Otto Eckart and 3000 EUR, Yamaha Europe )
3rd Prize: Manfred Ludwig, Germany (1500 EUR, Powell, Boston)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Pavel Tseliapniou, Belarus (Flute headjoint by Michel Parmenon, Paris)
2nd International Theobald Böhm Compettion for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 4 April to Thursday 7 April 2011
Jury: Ulrich Nicolai (President), Philippe Boucly, Łukasz Długosz, Christina Fassbender, Lorna McGhee, Gian-Luca Petrucci, Raffaele Trevisani
Prize winners:
1st Prize: Martin Belič, Slovenia (5000 EUR, Foundation Otto Eckart)
2nd Prize: Egor Egorkin, Russia (3000 EUR, Yamaha Europe)
3rd Prize: Chaiwon Ra, South Korea (1500 EUR, Musik Bertram and Muramatsu)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Martin Belič, Slovenia (Flute headjoint Michel Parmenon, Paris) and Anna Švejdová Czechia (Flute headjoint by Powell, Boston)
Special Prize for Flute with open G sharp Key: Alexander Marinesku, Russia (Flute headjoint by Manuel Arista, Boston)
3rd International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday, 10 October to Friday, 14 October 2016
Jury: András Adorján (president), Martin Belič, Jasmine Choi, Daniela Koch, Shigenori Kudo, Paolo Taballione, Yumiko Yamamoto
Prize winners:
1st Prize: Luc Mangholz, France (5000 EUR, Foundation Otto Eckart)
2nd Prize: Jasper Goh, Singapore (3000 EUR, Yamaha Europe)
3rd Prize: Natalia Karaszewska, Poland (2000 EUR, Foundation Dr. Castringius)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Leonie Bumüller, Germany (headjoint by Verne Q. Powell, Boston, MA)
Special Prize for the best participant under 20 years: Natalia Karaszewska, Poland (headjoint by Sanford Drelinger, White Plains, NY)
4th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 30 September until Wednesday 2 October 2019
Jury: Ulrich Meyer (president), Martin Belič, Hélène Boulègue, Guoliang Han, Tomoko Iwashita, Jan Ostrý, Irina Stachinskaya
Prize Winners
1st Prize: Shangcong Lu, China (5000 EUR, Foundation Otto Eckart)
2nd Prize: Wakizaka Fu, Japan (3000 EUR, Yamaha Europe)
3rd Prize: Guillermo Gonzalez Gonzalez, Spain (2000 EUR, Foundation Dr. Castringius)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Helen Dabringhaus (headjoint by Sanford Drelinger)
Special price for the best participant under 20 years: Jakob Slavkov, Slovenia (piccolo headjoint by Tobias Mancke)
5th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute
from Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March 2022
Jury: Martin Belič (President), Stefan Albers, Katharina Böhm, Dejan Gavric, Sarah Louvion, Grigory Mordashov, Yumiko Yamamoto
Prize Winners
1st Prize: Metka Crnugelj, Slovenia (5000 EUR, Foundation Otto Eckart)
2nd Prize: Jeongyeon Lee, South Korea (3000 EUR, Ludwig Böhm)
3rd Prize: Eva Faganelj, Slovenia (2000 EUR, Foundation Dr. Castringius)
Special Prize for Alto Flute: Tommaso Binini, Italy (headjoint by Miyazawa, donated by Ludwig Böhm)
Special price for the best participant under 20 years: Jeongyeon Lee, South Korea (piccolo headjoint by Tobias Mancke)